Second Growth. Deuxieme Grand Cru Classe in 1855. Ownership: Martin et Olivier Bouygues二级名庄。1855列级名庄二级庄。所有权:奥利维尔·布依格和马丁·布依格Among the highest-priced wines from Saint-Estephe. The price has been stable over the past year.This is the second most sought-after wine from Saint-Estephe (in terms of user searches).This producer makes a number of other wines including this one from Bordeaux Blend Red in addition to those from the grape Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot.这款酒是圣埃斯泰夫定价最高的葡萄酒之一。在过去的一年中,它的价格一直保持稳定。这是圣埃斯泰夫第二受欢迎的酒款(以用户搜索量计算)。除了这款波尔多红葡萄混酿,该生产商还生产其它葡萄酒,如赤霞珠梅洛混酿等。