网友推荐出仅次于YOYO的伞车,价格不到YOYO的一半,品质也秒杀YUYU这种山寨产品,之前价格一直比较坚挺在199.9美元 ,此次黑五179.9美元 是近期好价了,不过是又第三方销售,无法直邮,不急着用的妈妈,可以考虑入手
Sherwin:If I may ask you want to choose the standard shipping because it is cheaper right?
Me:Yes and it is not so urgent for me to get the stroller
Sherwin:Here's what we are going to do, since you want the item and you want it to shipped in standard, as a one time exception I can give you the price of the Amazonglobal standard shipping price for you and you can choose upon check out the expedited shipping.