GARMONT嘎蒙特是意大利著名户外鞋类品牌,主营滑雪鞋和登山鞋。这款GARMONT嘎蒙特Escape系列越野跑步鞋专为在炎热天气中进行越野跑步或训练的人而设计,适合全地形条件下的穿越。鞋面为3D网布+人造皮革包覆,稳定性、透气性好,鞋舌补强有效防止沙粒等杂质进入鞋内;网格衬里,吸湿、排汗;冲孔PU鞋垫,抗菌、防臭;双密度 EVA 中底确保在崎岖地形条件下的减震性和稳定性,加强对运动的控制;零重力VELOCITY软橡胶复合大底(高粘度橡胶大底),块状底纹,提供良好的抓地性,轻松应对各种路面环境。
Really wanted to love these shoes but they are huge overall and narrow in the pinky and second toe. So despite the massive volume, the toe tapers wierd. I just tool this show to Grand Gulch on Cedar Mesa for five days and it took me a while to dial it in. If I laced tight to compensate for the large size, it pulled the toe box too close to my outer toes and created hot spots. My solution was to keep them loose and just slosh around. I'll keep these for yard work.