Indicative blend: Predominantly Merlot with Cabernet Franc. Ownership: Etablissements Jean-Pierre Moueix.特征性混酿:主要是梅洛和品丽珠。所有权:Etablissements Jean-Pierre Moueix。This is the third most expensive wine made from Cabernet Franc - Merlot in Pomerol. The price has been stable over the past year.This is the fourth most sought-after wine from Pomerol (in terms of user searches).This wine is hard to find.这是波美侯第三昂贵的品丽珠梅洛混酿的葡萄酒。在过去的一年里,价格一直很稳定。这是波美侯第四受欢迎的葡萄酒(以用户搜索量计算)。这款酒很难买到。