商品介绍:澳大利亚原瓶原装进口干红葡萄酒 南澳是澳洲葡萄酒的发祥地,葡萄酒产业中心,葡萄酒产量超过全澳洲一半,南澳也是澳大利亚重要的葡萄酒与葡萄藤研究所所在地,并拥有多个澳大利亚名庄,还拥有许多大酒庄的大量股份,气候和土壤类型多样,生产风格多样的葡萄酒
商品介绍:这是一款来自澳大利亚进口的葡萄酒,采用南澳葡萄产区的赤霞珠葡萄酿造而成,酒精度数为14.5vol 澳洲是全球第六大酿酒国,现今南澳的葡萄酒年产量大概是全澳洲的60%左右,澳大利亚葡萄酒的生命不仅来自阳光、土壤和葡萄的精华,更来自悠久的品酒历史和精湛的酿酒技术,多元文化背景的酿酒经验,以及崇尚保留葡萄品种的最高原味和果香的酿酒技法,这些都使得澳洲葡萄酒充满个性与活力,别具特色。
商品介绍:詹姆斯·哈利德(James Halliday) 95分
奔富酒庄(Penfolds Winery)是澳大利亚历史最悠久的酒庄之一。1836年,南澳 South Australia 成立,8年后,奔富酒庄诞生。酒庄位于南澳的巴罗萨谷产区,是澳大利亚最庞大,最著名的酒庄,被看做是澳大利亚葡萄酒的象征,是澳洲葡萄酒业的王牌。奔富酒庄有句宣传语,“奔富见证了澳洲葡萄酒的历史”,有人听了,会觉得夸大其词,但事实的确如此,并不是信口开河。
商品介绍:A small amount of Cabernet Sauvignon is generally included in the blend. Old vintages may be labeled as different Bin numbers.
This is the most searched for by Internet users among wines from Australia.
One of the most expensive red wines from Australia (top 20%). The price has been stable over the past year.
This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot, Muscat, Rare Red Blend, Riesling, Chardonnay - Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet -Syrah/Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec, Petite Sirah(Durif), Pinot Gris, Viognier, Gewurztraminer, Brandy, Rare White Blend, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Tempranillo, Merlot, Bordeaux Blend Red, Sauvignon Blanc - Semillon, Mourvedre (Monastrell), Chardonnay - Pinot Noir, Semillon, Traminer, Fiano, Grenache - Mourvedre - Syrah, New-make Spirit, Chardonnay - Semillon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvedre - Syrah, Grenache (Garnacha), Sangiovese, and Cabernet - Pinotage.
该生产商还生产多种葡萄酒,包括grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot,马斯喀特,Rare Red Blend,雷司令,霞多丽-长相思,卡本内 - 西拉/设拉子,赤霞珠-Malbe,小西拉(杜瑞夫),灰皮诺,维欧尼, 琼瑶浆,Brandy,Rare White Blend,霞多丽,黑皮诺,长相思,丹魄,梅洛,波尔多红葡萄混酿,长相思-赛美蓉,慕合怀特(莫纳斯特雷尔),霞多丽-黑皮诺,赛美蓉,塔明娜,菲亚诺,歌海娜-慕合怀特-西拉,New-make Spirit,霞多丽-赛美蓉,赤霞珠,慕合怀特-西拉,歌海娜,桑娇维塞和卡本内-皮诺塔吉。
商品介绍:A small amount of Cabernet Sauvignon is generally included in the blend. Old vintages may be labeled as different Bin numbers.
This is the most searched for by Internet users among wines from Australia.
One of the most expensive red wines from Australia (top 20%). The price has been stable over the past year.
This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot, Muscat, Rare Red Blend, Riesling, Chardonnay - Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet -Syrah/Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec, Petite Sirah(Durif), Pinot Gris, Viognier, Gewurztraminer, Brandy, Rare White Blend, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Tempranillo, Merlot, Bordeaux Blend Red, Sauvignon Blanc - Semillon, Mourvedre (Monastrell), Chardonnay - Pinot Noir, Semillon, Traminer, Fiano, Grenache - Mourvedre - Syrah, New-make Spirit, Chardonnay - Semillon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvedre - Syrah, Grenache (Garnacha), Sangiovese, and Cabernet - Pinotage.
该生产商还生产多种葡萄酒,包括grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot,马斯喀特,Rare Red Blend,雷司令,霞多丽-长相思,卡本内 - 西拉/设拉子,赤霞珠-Malbe,小西拉(杜瑞夫),灰皮诺,维欧尼, 琼瑶浆,Brandy,Rare White Blend,霞多丽,黑皮诺,长相思,丹魄,梅洛,波尔多红葡萄混酿,长相思-赛美蓉,慕合怀特(莫纳斯特雷尔),霞多丽-黑皮诺,赛美蓉,塔明娜,菲亚诺,歌海娜-慕合怀特-西拉,New-make Spirit,霞多丽-赛美蓉,赤霞珠,慕合怀特-西拉,歌海娜,桑娇维塞和卡本内-皮诺塔吉。
商品介绍:A small amount of Cabernet Sauvignon is generally included in the blend. Old vintages may be labeled as different Bin numbers.
This is the most searched for by Internet users among wines from Australia.
One of the most expensive red wines from Australia (top 20%). The price has been stable over the past year.
This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot, Muscat, Rare Red Blend, Riesling, Chardonnay - Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet -Syrah/Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec, Petite Sirah(Durif), Pinot Gris, Viognier, Gewurztraminer, Brandy, Rare White Blend, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Tempranillo, Merlot, Bordeaux Blend Red, Sauvignon Blanc - Semillon, Mourvedre (Monastrell), Chardonnay - Pinot Noir, Semillon, Traminer, Fiano, Grenache - Mourvedre - Syrah, New-make Spirit, Chardonnay - Semillon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvedre - Syrah, Grenache (Garnacha), Sangiovese, and Cabernet - Pinotage.
该生产商还生产多种葡萄酒,包括grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot,马斯喀特,Rare Red Blend,雷司令,霞多丽-长相思,卡本内 - 西拉/设拉子,赤霞珠-Malbe,小西拉(杜瑞夫),灰皮诺,维欧尼, 琼瑶浆,Brandy,Rare White Blend,霞多丽,黑皮诺,长相思,丹魄,梅洛,波尔多红葡萄混酿,长相思-赛美蓉,慕合怀特(莫纳斯特雷尔),霞多丽-黑皮诺,赛美蓉,塔明娜,菲亚诺,歌海娜-慕合怀特-西拉,New-make Spirit,霞多丽-赛美蓉,赤霞珠,慕合怀特-西拉,歌海娜,桑娇维塞和卡本内-皮诺塔吉。
商品介绍:A small amount of Cabernet Sauvignon is generally included in the blend. Old vintages may be labeled as different Bin numbers.
This is the most searched for by Internet users among wines from Australia.
One of the most expensive red wines from Australia (top 20%). The price has been stable over the past year.
This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot, Muscat, Rare Red Blend, Riesling, Chardonnay - Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet -Syrah/Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec, Petite Sirah(Durif), Pinot Gris, Viognier, Gewurztraminer, Brandy, Rare White Blend, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Tempranillo, Merlot, Bordeaux Blend Red, Sauvignon Blanc - Semillon, Mourvedre (Monastrell), Chardonnay - Pinot Noir, Semillon, Traminer, Fiano, Grenache - Mourvedre - Syrah, New-make Spirit, Chardonnay - Semillon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvedre - Syrah, Grenache (Garnacha), Sangiovese, and Cabernet - Pinotage.
该生产商还生产多种葡萄酒,包括grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot,马斯喀特,Rare Red Blend,雷司令,霞多丽-长相思,卡本内 - 西拉/设拉子,赤霞珠-Malbe,小西拉(杜瑞夫),灰皮诺,维欧尼, 琼瑶浆,Brandy,Rare White Blend,霞多丽,黑皮诺,长相思,丹魄,梅洛,波尔多红葡萄混酿,长相思-赛美蓉,慕合怀特(莫纳斯特雷尔),霞多丽-黑皮诺,赛美蓉,塔明娜,菲亚诺,歌海娜-慕合怀特-西拉,New-make Spirit,霞多丽-赛美蓉,赤霞珠,慕合怀特-西拉,歌海娜,桑娇维塞和卡本内-皮诺塔吉。
商品介绍:A small amount of Cabernet Sauvignon is generally included in the blend. Old vintages may be labeled as different Bin numbers.
This is the most searched for by Internet users among wines from Australia.
One of the most expensive red wines from Australia (top 20%). The price has been stable over the past year.
This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot, Muscat, Rare Red Blend, Riesling, Chardonnay - Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet -Syrah/Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec, Petite Sirah(Durif), Pinot Gris, Viognier, Gewurztraminer, Brandy, Rare White Blend, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Tempranillo, Merlot, Bordeaux Blend Red, Sauvignon Blanc - Semillon, Mourvedre (Monastrell), Chardonnay - Pinot Noir, Semillon, Traminer, Fiano, Grenache - Mourvedre - Syrah, New-make Spirit, Chardonnay - Semillon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvedre - Syrah, Grenache (Garnacha), Sangiovese, and Cabernet - Pinotage.
该生产商还生产多种葡萄酒,包括grapes Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot,马斯喀特,Rare Red Blend,雷司令,霞多丽-长相思,卡本内 - 西拉/设拉子,赤霞珠-Malbe,小西拉(杜瑞夫),灰皮诺,维欧尼, 琼瑶浆,Brandy,Rare White Blend,霞多丽,黑皮诺,长相思,丹魄,梅洛,波尔多红葡萄混酿,长相思-赛美蓉,慕合怀特(莫纳斯特雷尔),霞多丽-黑皮诺,赛美蓉,塔明娜,菲亚诺,歌海娜-慕合怀特-西拉,New-make Spirit,霞多丽-赛美蓉,赤霞珠,慕合怀特-西拉,歌海娜,桑娇维塞和卡本内-皮诺塔吉。